Friday, 4 July 2008


I started writing in Swedish but got stuck, so here we go again. I was trying to write something about time. Something about that life seems to happen whilst I am extremely busy, making plans, and keeping busy.
I had a very intresting day yesterday, something is about to happen, but I don't want to say anything until I got the final answer, on paper.
It would be amazing. It would be a dream coming true.

So. Friday today, hurray. Although, the week has gone so quickly that I have not had time to think or long for the weekend. I am practising living in the moment, carpe know. Might sound very cliche' but I find it very rewarding. It means that I can still have a good time on Sunday evening, instead of thinking that Monday morning is too soon to come. It also means that I don't have to worry about the future, or the past, to the same extent that I used to. Instead, I do what I gotta do that day and enjoy it.

My lovely parents are coming over tomorrow, and on Sunday I am running 10K!! Come and cheer!

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